Tuesday, June 28, 2011

What do you want?

Go after your dreams Steve...become a Certified Air Conditioning Guy!
Busy busy busy.  Sorry so late today.  Hmmm...what to write.  I love how this blog is going so far.  I am not bragging, I am moreso happy I am doing something I love.  I didn't used to like to write, but for real, it's a cathartic exercise that also allows me the avenue to move closer each day to my lifelong dream and hopefully reach my long term goals. 

I was once told, if you aren't doing somethinig each day to get closer to your dreams, to reaching your goals, then you aren't going to get there.  Personally, I do take off the weekends, but I consider that my prospecting of new ideas and refresh my brain.  I create adventures and crazy things to talk about during the long week.  Give me something to do.  Tell me what else you want to see.  Let's make this interactive!  Holler!

1 comment:

anewaara said...

It's Aara. I'm reading this for the first time. I hope that doesn't offend you cause I just saw it on Gchat. You should write about how the BBQ was this weekend since I was in MD all weekend and missed it! OR a bunch of other things I don't want to say on here cause I think in crazy tangents.

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