Thursday, September 8, 2011

Weddings! It's Manly!

I just went to two awesome weddings but the crazy thing is I was lucky enough to be able to go to both weddings on the same day!  After the reception of the wedding I was in, I traveled three blocks away to my other close friend's wedding.  Awesome luck right?  I love both couples to death.  Congrats to Gabe and Joanne and JC and Jan!  You all are beautiful couples!  Expect swinger invites from me and Michele soon!  Are any of the guys BI?  

But yes, I got to celebrate with all of my close friends on their special day.  But even more important than that, it was a wedding!  I love weddings!  Period.  End of story.  Weddings are fun.  Why do I like weddings?

Well, what is Rak about?  Passion, Dancing, Partying, Food, Family, Friends, and Cameras.  There's all that there!  All the emotion from the ceremony and tradition always gets me.  So what if I cry?  You would cry too if you had a heart you over cynical bastard!  Google that's a good word.  Free Drinks, hot chicks in dresses, men not in basketball shorts and a wife beater.  Everyone looking their best.  Then Dancing!  Both vertically and horizontally for some...yeah!!

Speaking of Weddings, Happy Anniversary to my Wife of Four Years!!  LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!  Michele is the best.  (I just imagined how funny that last line would be if it was on a fortune cookie:  Michele is the best.  Then you know...)  Yay to love!  I need football to start to get my man card back...

1 comment:

anewaara said...

You forgot open bar ;)

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