Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Romantic Vacation...

The Rakafella has been away for far too long.  I've been busy discussing sexual politics with Mila Kunis and Justin Timberlake.  Meaning I watched a movie they were in titled "Friends with Benefits."  I'm not sure what the MLA Writing Handbook rule is on Titles anymore so I covered my bases with Underlines, Quotes, and Bolding.    Their new movie is pretty good.  Sex, Jokes, Heartfelt Moments, Good Cast.  All the parts of a great romantic comedy these days i.e. Love Actually and Valentine's day.  I don't review movies but if you check out my boy's blog http://whatjackburtonsays.blogspot.com/.  Follow him too.

Some people joke that I like Romantic Comedies.  Well, it's no secret that I enjoy them.  Michele, who we'll use an incognito name for as "My Woman" (not very incognito of me) LOVES romantic comedies.  But she has a condition I have Named: Heartbreak Radio Disease.  Fellas this is no joke man.  Heartbreak Radio Disease occurs the day after you think you're okay with a break-up.  You listen to the radio on your drive to your computer programming job and then a song, any song, comes on and it totally relates to you.  You never realized the lyrics before, but "Daym Lil' Wayne, you right Jigga.  She didn't know how to loo-oove!!  (He's made love a two syllable word.)"  Stupid Radio DJ!  How did you know!  All of a sudden Kanye and Katie Perry speak to you and, yes, "She was an Alien!  So god in bed and out of this world, but what kind of HUMAN WOULD BREAK MY HEART!  I hope you drop to number 469 in Ryan Seacrest's  Top 40!"

Then you go home--aw man--every show, every commercial, you thinks is about you!  Heartbreak Radio Disease.  Now My Woman doesn't get heartbreak, but she watches a show and daym if I don't get the, "Rak! Don't ever cheat on me because Nathan and Haley almost didn't make it and we're not getting a Nanny cause she ain't swimming in our pool naked!"  (One Tree Hill Fans may have snorted reading that.)  

What am I saying now?  1.  Romantic Comedies are great to look into social behavior across many cultures and eras.  It's like a way for art to capture a time and look into the depths of human interaction so I really enjoy that plus it's sort of entertaining.  2.  I get nervous I'm going to wake up with a pillow over my head because I bought the same cologne as Tiger Woods and My Woman ain't having it!!!

1 comment:

Pat said...

AP Style Guide says to use quotes for movie titles. Just FYI

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