Wednesday, November 30, 2011

We are all Nerds

I just flashed a new Rom on my Droid to maximize battery life.  Actually it's a newer ROM as the last one crashed so I had to re-wipe the data on my phone and install it.  But I hate the theme that comes with it so I downloaded a GO Theme from the Droid Market to fit my preferences.  *snort*  Man, the functionality I want extra plus battery life!--oh, not to mention I can now use my 4G connection from my phone as a hotspot for my computer.
UH--A-Cubed!  Translation: Awesome to the third power!  *snort*

I totally "NERD"-ed out to customize my smart phone.  I did.  And you may not have gone to this extreme of Nerd-ism, but daym if you haven't found yourself doing the same thing!  I used to be cool man!

Are you MARRIED to your iTOUCH instead of TOUCHING MARY'S D's?  What happened?  Ladies, why are you downloading Apps instead of going down on laps?
"It's always sex with you Rak.  Jeez, grow up!"--Shut up random person who is reading this that I stole your thought from!

My mom e-mails me now.  SO WEIRD.  My dad has three email accounts.  Even my pre-historic uncle got FIOS and Cable!  I care about all my fonts.  My friends invite me three different ways to parties.  Evite, Facebook Invite, and regular email.  I wonder when I will get a wedding invite by email?  Wait! Already done!  Thanks Matt Coniglio!  You Nerd!  You buy devices to connect your TV, to your phone, to your computer.  Where am I going with this?  Maybe I'll GPS it from my phone!

Don't get me wrong.  I mean I am impressed by how technologically savvy I, and many of the people around me, have become. I am actually proud of the ability to learn new things and apply them to technology.  I never thought of myself as a techno nerd.   To survive in this social media-centric and digital world, the ability to customize your face, functionality, and overall digital existence relies on your ability to "Nerd Out."

But dammit people stay cool.  Dance without a video game choreographing your moves.  Sing without auto-tune.  Play sports without fantasy or a joy stick.  Talk to people face to face.  On the thing you use to check your email, browse eBay, and take pictures...use it to make a phone call to someone old or new.  We've "nerded" out in the sense of our digital reality, but what makes us human is investing in real reality.  That's what makes us really cool.


Phigmentor said...

LOL and you used to goof on me and my nerdiness :D

Welcome to the Dark Side, Rak. We have cookies



anewaara said...

I love the overall insight, especially how you worded the ending of it. Could not agree more. This is the backbone/theme to the modern parable: "The highs of technology, as great as they are, should not get in the way of the human experience".

"Nerd on" Rak ;)

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